Sunday, June 1, 2008

How to Work a Room: The Ultimate Guide to Savvy Socializing in Person and Online

Do you hesitate to approach strangers in a social gathering? Do you wonder how some people have good contacts and a solid network? Are you looking for tips to hone your networking skills? Susan's "How to work a room" capsule is the right medicine for your phobia.

Key takeaways from the book are:

  1. Extending yourself to people feels risky, but the benefits are well worth the discomfort
  2. Think about what you have in common with people at an event before you get there. Identifying the common ground can help you break the ice
  3. The people who are the most successful at working a room are those who genuinely like, respect and trust other people
  4. Have different self-introductions for different events
  5. Eye contact and being in the moment are critical in building rapport
  6. A sincere interest in people is the most important part of being a good conversationalist. 
  7. Always introduce the “less important” person to the “more important” person
  8. Talk to those different from you… as you would talk to those who are LIKE you

If this is your first book on "networking", you'll be able to appreciate the contents in its entirety. The book also highlights some techniques to adopt in the online/virtual world. If you've already read books or materials on this subject, you'll feel that portions of the book is boring. The book also gives some tips for public speakers to work the audience.

This book is worth a quick read.

Author's website:

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