This book not only tells you "Why stories are important", but also tells you "How you can use them". There are enough stories in this book to sustain your interest. I bet, it will be hard for you to gobble through the material. Take time to read the material to assimilate the wealth of information.
Key takeaways from the book are:
- Manipulation is an inferior method of influence. Telling an authentically persuasive story is a much more powerful source of influence
- A fact is like a sack - it won’t stand up if it is empty. To make it stand up, first you have to put it in all the reasons and feelings that cause it in the first place.
- The greatest crime you can commit as a story teller is to bore your listeners
- No matter whom you want to influence, a story that promises a bright future will cooperate as a primary motivating force to encourage cooperation
Will this book make you an overnight story teller? NO. Will this book put you on the right path towards improving your story telling skills? YES. The author persuades you to use stories to get the attention of audience. However, storytelling is an art. You'll need lots of practice to master it.
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